
Same-Day Delivery Service

We are a premier provider of same-day delivery services. Our 24/7 courier services allow for fast deliveries when you need them. Our knowledgeable and professional delivery drivers are dedicated to making deliveries on time and representing your company through great customer service.

Prescheduled Routes

If your business has several recurring delivery jobs, our dedicated routes and drivers are exactly what you need. This worry-free service offers scheduled deliveries to and from the locations you deal with most often. We assign dedicated vehicles and drivers to your jobs, so they become familiar with your specific route and service preferences. Our goal is to provide outstanding customer service. Our pickup and delivery services are always timely, professional and accurate.

We  are committed to providing your company with the best courier service and the highest level of professionalism. We are experienced, prompt, and reliable, whether the legal document delivery needs are Rush, Demand, or Scheduled Routes. Your document deliveries are safe in our hands. Call US  today for all your document delivery & courier needs, and take the stress out of sending your documents by courier or messenger. You can rest assured that your document deliveries will be delivered in just as professional and timely a manner as if you were to personally deliver them yourself. We are here to serve any and all of your courier & document delivery needs.

Other Services We Provide:
• Direct
• Mid-day
• End-of-day
• Local courier service
• Scheduled delivery
• Passport service
• Legal filings
• Inter Office logistics
• Corporate Contracts
• Baggage Service
• Parcel Delivery

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